
- I like most types of music but I have to listen to at least one Kid Cudi album in its entirety a day for my mental health.
- I have two adorable rabbits named Kevin and Lucy.
- I started reading tarot when I was 8, I had run away for a day and thought I would tell fortunes in the park to pay my way in the world and bought my first deck of cards.
- I have hot chocolate with oat milk for breakfast every day.
- I'm a Virgo but I'm so disorganized most people never guess.
- I've been a fan of the Utah Jazz for as long as I can remember but if they wanted to give the name back to New Orleans I would support it.
- I use a tamagotchi as my alarm clock.
I'm not currently offering customs but I would love to refer you to another jeweler if you need help finding one.
Besides making jewelry, most of my life revolves around taking care of these two trouble-makers, Kevin and Lucy.
Kevin is missing his ears because his mama was stressed and over-groomed him when he was teeny-tiny. He was born on a meat farm and as you can imagine, it was a stressful situation. Don't feel bad for him though - he's the lucky one. The farmer knew he wouldn't survive outdoors long enough to get big enough to sell for meat and so he allowed the rescue to take him. He loves face pets, his wife Lucy, and running up and down the stairs.
Lucy was found dumped by her family in a park. She's still slower to trust than Kevin due to that experience but she's gradually warming up to us and she loves Kevin fiercely. It only to about 48 hrs to bond them, rabbit people will know how crazy fast that is.
They live the free-roam life with my husband and I in Park City, Utah.
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